Monday, September 15, 2008

I ask You to Review Your Candidates Record!

I am asking all of you to step up and get involved in on the political process. I know this may be offensive to those who back Obama but I challenge you all to do your homework on him and Biden. Do you really want someone as president who the axes of evil want us to elect. Obama/Biden is not right for our country and I ask you to step outside your party and vote for someone who is Honorable and has done nothing but serve his country science he was 17. I'm not saying I agree with everything he does or his view, however if I have to choose I pick the Patriot over the one related to Airs and Wright. Aren't you guilty by association? Yes you are! Just think about it and then make your decision.

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About Me

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I'm married to my soul mate Kennith, who is a Disabled Veteran (82nd Airbourne).We've been married for 18 wonderful years. I have two beautiful children. I love Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I'm Very Proud to be an American! I want to thank all the Troops out there and want you to know we SUPPORT AND THANK YOU. You are in our prayers everyday!

Our lord and Savior

Our lord and Savior